
Here is where I will be posting my To-Do plans and such.

The Excelsior Station Project
*streaming is hosted at

The Excelsior Station Project is on hold due to issues involing my need to immediately move

June 11, 2018

Type Title Description Status Date of Completion
Preparation . Verify that live streaming is occurring Done June 9, 2018
Preparation . Create a home instance for Workshop-Studio Done June 10, 2018
Stream/Record What is OpenSim Oriented to first-timers, include visits to some sims On Hold
Stream/Record Getting Started Downloading and installing a viewer, setting up an account On Hold
Stream/Record There's No Place Like Setting up an offline instance, adding terrain, import/export assets On Hold
Stream/Record Hosting Explore hosting options On Hold
Stream/Record Head in the Clouds Check out Amazon Web Services free offerings On Hold
Creative Commons License
This work by